The Right Stand Together - The shared values of nationalism, xenophobia and aggressive leadership among right-wing populists all around the world

Opinion analysis by Nour AlMortada, Featured Writer

December 7th, 2021

      Although the dangerous and nerve wrecking Cold War ended in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin wall, the war of ideologies did not end then and there. The left and the right have consistently been at war with each other ever since, with a consistent streak of attempted sabotages on both ends. Today, we still see Russia and the United States fighting over the role of hegemon, with proxy wars and militias acting as puppets in their stead. However, while the left has attempted to grow in power, it has not had the best track record, as the right dominates the most powerful, wealthy states. Looking back at all coups in Latin America, we see a pattern of trying to remove socialist and leftist rulers using US-backed guerillas and parties. The latest example of this is Bolivia.

      It is undeniable that in 2021, the United States is the leader of the right-wing states, both under republican and democrat rule, however it is the smaller states that act as allies to the newly emerged right-wing politicians or parties that show the most difference. In 2019, the attempted coup saw accusations of electoral fraud by Bolivian president Evo Morales, whose presidency dated back to 2006, however, it was later revealed that this was no more than a U.S. attempt at overthrowing socialism in Bolivia. However, it is what the interim government of Bolivia did that proved that the right-wing populists do indeed stand together. Jeanine Áñez assumed the position shortly after Morales’ departure and took no time in renewing ties with israel, which had been cut as a response to the 2009 onslaught on Gaza. Bolivia then asked israel for help in countering “terrorism” since they seemed to be experts in doing so. During the era of the interim president, which ended in November of 2020, Áñez was accused of over-seeing multiple massacres against the indigenous population of Bolivia and supporters of the MAS (Movement for Socialism), her predecessor’s party. israel jumped at the opportunity to help out a fellow right-wing population, leading to the massacres in question.

This wasn’t the only time that israel had been an accomplice in a massacre taking place in Latin America in favor of the right wing. Ever since 2019, Colombia has witnessed some of the worst protests ever recorded in its history, and those protests were met with a brutal crackdown leading to massacres, with dozens of deaths at a time and hundreds of injuries. During the protests in Colombia, protestors saw israeli uniforms, weapons and tanks being used by their oppressors, only to later discover the israeli military’s support to Colombia, as well as joint trainings with the IDF. The Colombian President recently paid a visit to israel and marked the opening of a trade office in Jerusalem. Colombia’s relation with israel is currently the strongest it’s ever been, especially with the establishment of the bilateral Free Trade Area and Bennett calling Duque, Colombia’s President, a “great friend for israel”. As such, Colombia, just like israel, has been openly criticized for its human rights abuses.  

      A fellow Latin American country that is hoping to become israel and the United States’ best friend is Brazil. The election of Bolsonaro highlighted the rise of the right wing in the continent, and despite the possibility of his tenure coming to an end in the 2022 elections, the rumors of a military coup are not being put past him. However, as of right now, Brazil is a main target for israel, partly due to its economic significance as a member of BRICS and partly due to its Jewish population. But just like Colombia, israel and Brazil have extensive military trading, with israel arming Brazil and Brazil facilitating israeli security procedures, and with threats of a coup being made in the name of “law and order”, one pegs the question: why is Brazil arming itself so much? israel’s interference in Latin America has been going on for decades, with israeli ties to the Junta regimes and Pinochet in Chile, both staunch military dictators, among others. However, the United States’ and israel’s support for right-wing governments exceeds Latin America; a primary example of this is India’s relationship with both. Modi’s India has taken inspiration from israel in many of its dealings, with special ties being present on multiple fronts, yet again, we can see the ties of the right wing manifesting themselves in violence. As israel supported Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia in their massacres, the same can be said for India’s Kashmir. 

Modi has not made his dream of transforming India into a Hindu Rashtra a secret, however that dream exclusively meant that suffering would be entailed for the Muslims in Kashmir and Jammu. While India denies any accusations, leaks have surfaced proving that the right-wing regime has grown more violent and it seems that India has taken inspiration from non-other than israel, as India’s consul-general in New York was heard on video saying “If the israeli people can do it, we can also do it” in reference to Kashmir and Jammu, in November of 2019, only a few months after the Kashmir crisis began. Ever since, reports of massacres and human rights abuses have been reported while Modi’s regime consistently denied it. However, videos and testimonies don’t support the peaceful narrative that the Hindu supremacists have been attempting to sell. israel and India have had a profound friendship for decades, and the United States’ relationship with India only strengthened over the last few years and with radio silence on Kashmir, they proved once again that the right really does stand together.

      It is quite easy to identify right-wing governments, as they almost always share similar beliefs. The actions of Duque in Colombia only mirror those of Modi’s and Áñez’s and Bolsonaro’s and Bennett’s and so many more right-wing governments. The right is often confused with white supremacists, but as we can see, the right manifests itself anywhere by sharing values of xenophobia and nationalism, where usually, their own idea of nationalism translates itself into a xenophobic and discriminatory ideology. With Modi and the Kashmiris, Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia with the indigenous population and so many more, and with the support coming from much more powerful states to aid this belief, is the world headed towards more violence in the coming years, or will the left wing be balancing the scales soon?

Works Cited:

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